FREE Video Workshop

For new subscribers to our free newsletter, we are giving away our 30 minute abridged recording of the live workshop hosted by Sumo Outdoors owner Scott Paterson. In this video workshop we take a deep dive into functional outdoor kitchen layouts and how to make the most of your party zone investment!

Scott shows you everything you need to know about correctly planning your outdoor kitchen layout including:

  • How to avoid the most common layout mistakes

  • The best bar and counter top heights.

  • The major types of work areas & zones

  • Recommendations for passing space

  • Recommendations for counter space

  • The 4 main sizes of outdoor kitchens

  • The Kitchen Work Triangle

  • The Big 5 layout shapes for outdoor kitchens

  • Working out landing areas

  • Working out storage space

  • Working out seating space

An absolute must watch for trade professionals and DIY’ers alike.