Think BIG, Grill Bigger.

custom Outdoor Living For grill masters

Gallery of DIY & PRO builds Using The Sumo RTF Pro Outdoor Kitchen Frame System:

Transform your outdoor living space with the Sumo RTF Outdoor Kitchen Frame System - the ultimate solution for custom designed, professional-grade outdoor kitchens, bar islands, and fire pits. Perfect for both trade professionals and DIY enthusiasts, our ready-to-finish sub frame system provides the foundation for supersize outdoor kitchens without breaking the bank or sacrificing time. Made in the UK with top-quality, galvanized steel, our frames boast a 25-year warranty and are non-combustible, ensuring long-lasting durability. Pre-assembled and ready to go upon delivery, the Sumo System Frames are all you need to build a big and luxurious outdoor kitchen in record time, while accommodating any size BBQ or appliance. Get started on your dream outdoor kitchen today! - FIND OUT MORE

"Building Big Outdoor Kitchens with Ease - The Sumo Way"


Self install as Simple as 1-2-3!


Stage 1 - Level & Fix

Your Sumo frame(s) come delivered pre-assembled and ready for levelling and fixing in place.

Stage 2 - Cladding

Cut and screw the outdoor kitchen sub-cladding then start tiling/finishing the carcass as you wish.



Stage 3 - Add Work Surface & Appliances

Add your work surface, appliances and your done!

Got a Question? Book In A Quick Video Call!



Call: 0208 0502512 or complete the form below


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 Proud members of the British Outdoor Kitchen Association (BOKA)

FREE workshop recording

All you have to do is subscribe to our newsletter and get free access to our 30 minute Outdoor Kitchen Layout workshop video.

The workshop was recorded live as part of an in-depth paid for training series in front of dozens of designers, architects, builders and DIY’ers.

The workshop was aimed at highlighting the common mistakes and best practices to designing functional outdoor kitchen layouts. Hosted by Sumo Outdoors Director Scott Paterson